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Huntsville Grotto of the National Speleological Society

Is Grotto membership different than NSS membership?

10 Aug 2022 2:20 PM | David Michal (Administrator)

Yes, these are independent.  Though, to be a grotto officer you must have both.  It is recommended for everyone to do both.  With an NSS membership you get:

1. Your own unique NSS id.

2. Access to the NSS membership directory.

3. A discount at the NSS bookstore.

4. A subscription to the NSS News.

5. Access to old NSS convention guidebooks.

6. Access to American Caving Accidents.

7. A discounted fee for attending the annual NSS convention.

8. Ability to register for the TAG Fall Cave-In without having to be someone's guest.

9. Eligibility to vote for the NSS Board of Governors

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